Las Vegas 2017 Circle of Legal Trust Convention – April 20, 2017-April 22, 2017

Place – Palazzo Hotel Banquet Room – Starting Thursday, Apr 20, 2017 at 5:00 PM and ending April 22, 2017, the Masters of the COLT will lead off our annual Las Vegas Con.

Unfortunately, this year it is not free. Tickets are available for a small cost of $250.00 each.

Also, this is a closed session, non-invited guests and non-members need not apply.

This means you must first speak to a COLT member in advance if you are a non-member to gain admission. As an aside, you may have noticed that COLT went underground. Honestly, I was tired of helping SEO companies that offered us nothing, learn our techniques for web sustainability. The good news is that our closed group will bring back a few older members and allow our sponsors to dig much deeper into brand building and market reach.


Presently, you may mail a check or use Paypal. These are the only methods of payment. In order to use Paypal, go here >

To become a paid sponsor go here >

Where is the Syllabus?

Who Are the Speakers?

Will We Use Video Feed?

This is an Advanced Course.

Presently, I am building a syllabus of speakers. In any event, I will be speaking on the latest negative SEO attacks and their effectiveness. Also, I will cover the benefits of journalist outreach with Michael Iwasaki. In other words, without expert status in your profession and topic, it is highly unlikely your firm or practice will survive online. The question is how to affirm your status for long-term sustainability. The is not a convention for beginners to online marketing and technical optimization, this is a convention for advanced SEO professionals who are ALSO lawyers. Most of all, these are people who have decided to take it upon themselves to know just as much or more than the SEO “professionals” they hire.

What We Can Help With

Here we will audit your website, links profiled and Flesch Kincaid writing and scoring, and help you understand what you need to know. You cannot become a Marine until you have been through boot camp, so enlist now and help you help yourself become an internet and marketing legal warrior.

Speakers Have Included:

Dan Goldstein, Esq. – Owner of Page 1 Solutions and expert at alternative media and brand building.

Conrad Saam – An AVVO original, and expert at attorney marketing. His specialties include site audits and market research studies.

Michael Ehline – Expert at negative SEO reconnaissance and mitigation. Other specialties include document sentiment and readability scoring.

Chris Dreyer – The most honest and credible lawyer marketing helper in the Mid West. Chris and his assistant Steven Willi are expert document coders. They also have proprietary Content Management Systems designed to appeal to busy lawyers. Chris has led the way at alternative uses of media, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat marketing.

Joe Mas – Joe is a special technical expert at understanding and implementing JSON and other Schema.

Andrew Shaffer:  Andrew is a true coder. He writes algorithms and apps and he helps us Understand Semantic Search/Writing and Hummingbird Theory.

The list of past speakers is too long to include here. If you want to book a spot as a speaker, contact Michael Ehline at Seating is limited. We normally have small meetings in a hotel penthouse. Also, each guest and speaker must be cleared by our Sergeant at Arms, Tony Castelli. If you think you have what it takes to attend, reach out at any of the above contact methods. Also, sponsorship is another method of supporting our efforts. Last, The Journal and Accident and Emergency Medicine for Tort Victims will be giving out the Personal Injury Attorney of the Year Award in Association with Personal Injury Warriors International. So this has truly become a world-wide organization with many PI lawyers involved.

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