Vetted, trusted attorneys worldwide.
We don’t just help our members fix their websites and SERPs. Our members refer cases and actually get paid the referral fee without excuses and game playing. And our receiving attorneys adhere to strict guidelines in giving regular case status updates. – Tony Castelli, Esq. (Sgt. at Arms)
The Circle of Legal Trust is a non-commercial website. It was founded in the summer of 2012. And its purpose was to assist lawyers in becoming experienced and educated in online reach, to mentor and assist other lawyers internationally and locally.
So our mission, among other things, is to teach and share information with our peers on best search practices. But we also show compliance with search engine quality guidelines. Also, the best of us qualify to be part of the nationwide referral network of lawyers. This secret list includes ancillary service providers.
Most of all, we do all this by use of the incredible explosion in social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, etc. We are a loose – and growing – confederation of attorneys around the world. Plus, we team up with search engine experts, guest speakers, consumers, and contributors.
And these are are people dedicated to providing free, educational resources. No matter what, we want to do so to help our fellows in the legal community. But we also want to help consumers. To learn how to become a member or non-attorney contributor here.
Our Volunteers
Tony Castelli
Sergeant at Arms
Ohio mediator and personal injury lawyer, Tony Castelli is the Sergeant and Arms. If you have an problem, need to refer a case, or your website is down, Tony is your go to guy.
Michael Ehline
Commanding Officer
Michael is a special operator when it comes to understanding attorney search, AI, word relationships, semantic intent and social signals. He only speaks rarely.
David Slepkow
Original (Board of Directors)
David is our East Coast social media research specialist. David has extensive media contacts, and spearheads our podcast discussions on increasing AI trust signals.