Colt Con 2016

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Starting on Thursday, April 7, at 2:00 pm, Friday, April 8, 2016, at 10:30 am. And it ENDS Saturday, April 9, 2016, starting time 9:00 am (PDT) in Las Vegas, Nevada. LOCATION. We are in the Penthouse Suite of the Aria Hotel. And here, Circle of Legal Trust will have its 4th Annual Convention of experts and lawyer mentors.
A Brief History of the Circle of Legal Trust
Circle of Legal Trust is a lot different than a lawyer marketing group, in that it is run by real lawyers for lawyers. It started out solely as a Google Hangouts On Air program with weekly Youtube show, and grew to an international organization of lawyers helping lawyers understand the algorithmic and other issues of the day, such as Google Penguin, Panda, Venice and Pigeon.
Our Elite Lawyers and Speakers Are at a Highly Advanced Level
We as fellows got tired of seeing our fellows in the legal community getting taken advantage of by these absurd lead gen companies. Or it may be some other organization run by NON-ATTORNEYS.
The goal? Taking your money for little, if any, real results. We knew there had to be another way, so continued to grow, but opted to keep membership free with high standards, and have lawyers offer up their time to learn and mentor, rather than charge a membership fee.
Only free and accepted members are admitted to the Circle of Legal Trust and its inside opportunities, so don’t even ask if you can be a member of money. The terms are located here. Non-Circle of Legal Trust members can still attend the seminar for a fee. Still, they will not be invited to the off-schedule “Mastermind Meetings.” There we meet and potentially discuss our secrets and other advanced, cutting edge ideas. And these are typically brewing up over at the major search engine corporations.
This is an Advanced Course
This is not a convention for beginners to online marketing and technical optimization. So instead, this is a convention for advanced SEO professionals who are ALSO lawyers. But they have decided to take it upon themselves to know just as much or more than the SEO “professionals” that they hire.
The convention is extremely careful about who they invite to speak. And typically, it vets each speaker beforehand on Google HOA before our full board of “Originals.” If you are unfamiliar with technical terminology or just beginning, don’t worry. This event is not until 2016. So that means you have time to attend our video hangouts, and take our basic course of instruction, usually taught by Platinum level guru, Andre van Wyk.
What We Can Help With at Your HOA
Here we will audit your website, links profiled and Flesch Kincaid writing and scoring, and help you understand what you need to know. You cannot become a Marine until you have been through boot camp, so enlist now and help you help yourself become an internet and marketing, legal warrior.
Don’t get sucked into a sales and marketing time-waster. That is a money-making venture for a bunch of nonlawyers selling directory listings and leads. Instead, enroll in a program run by real lawyers with years of experience. Let us teach you how to:
- Do your own website optimization,
- Vet and lead your own in house team,
- Form traffic and lead generation relationships with other lawyers who don’t want to build their house on another’s “rented” real estate,
- Find another way to get clients and brand your services, besides the internet.
New Sponsors
We are excited to announce that the administration of this entire event will be sponsored by Personal Injury Warriors International this year, and the event will be focused on tort law online do’s and dont’s in addition to our normal programming.
Why the Personal Injury Law Theme for 2016?
Turns out that the vast majority of our lawyers are personal injury law specialists and trial attorneys, so it made good sense to have our 4th annual event cater to our most loyal membership base. Of course, most of what we teach applies to other fields of law.
Non Personal Injury Lawyers Interested in Referral Agreements Should Hit this Event Up
The relationships that a non pi lawyer can develop through C.O.L.T., as far as case referrals are concerned could mean the:
. . . difference between finding a TRUSTED lawyer who actually pays the referral fee, or getting stuck with a shyster who tries to reduce your fee, or who does not pay you at all.
Applying for Sponsorship of the Circle of Legal Trust 4th Annual Las Vegas Convention
Contact Michael Ehline at for banner and other sponsorship opportunities. Currently, we do not have space for large booths. If you have a card table sized set up, or are a vendor, first make sure your services directly impact the ability of the lawyer to get more clients and we can make alternate space arrangements.
We Are Looking For Cutting Edge Talent as Guests, Not “Sales Spiel”
If you are an SEO company selling directory listings and leads, we probably don’t want you here. If however, you are a self starter, self made, a hustler, on your own, perhaps struggling, but reliable, good, we probably want you here. We are looking for people like Max Minzer, William Rock, Joe Mass and Chris Dreyer. These are the ones you want to have on your legal support whitelist in a FUD situation.
We Want To Interview You in an HOA
When we separate the wheat from the chaff with interviews and Q & A sessions, we quickly rule in or rule out who we wish to Whitelist. These are people who are legit. These guys are vetted in advance by either Andre van Wyk, David Slepkow, Anthony Castelli, or Michael Ehline, you will then be expected speak during at least one Google HOA, and explain what makes your directory better than the guy (the markup, the overall content, backlinks, offerings and distinctions) at the big search engine marketing company, for example.
The Goal is “Trust”
We cannot be more clear about one thing. This is not intended to be a money-making venture for the promoters of the event. If we break even we are ok with it. What we need is to develop a true “Circle of Legal Trust.” Leave your cynicism at the door. If you have a sense of fairness and justice, these are the people we want.
If you need to apply for an exception as far as attendance rules are concerned, that’s ok too. Examples of otherwise qualified would be an honorably discharged service-member who is also a lawyer. Or, for example, paralegal or legal secretary. But there are more exceptions. And these are considered on a case by case basis.
We can have a quick hearing amongst the “Originals,” and usually dispose of the matter quickly, assuming you are otherwise qualified.
Applying for Admittance
Pricing for seminars and rules for speakers to follow in more detail. Right now, this is what we have subject to potential changes.
Schedule 1 – Members of Personal Injury Warriors = $200.00.
Schedule 2 – Members of Circle of Legal Trust = $100.00.
Schedule 3 – Attorney Invitees and Other Guests = $500.00.
Schedule 4 – Sponsors and Vendors = Contact for rates and opportunities.
There is a $50 discount for all attendees who book prior to September 1, 2015.