COLT Con Las Vegas 2016 Was a Stellar Hit

Circle of Legal Trust Convention 2016 – Round Table
For the fourth year in a row, some of the most influential attorneys in the world of online and digital marketing attended Trust Con 2016. Additionally, some of the top experts in coding, site architecture, Local and Blended search either presented live or attended by Google HOA. The round table discussions and small group setting helped vendors, experts, and the lawyers understand the concepts, theories, and case studies. The energy and vibe were family-like. Tony Castelli, Dave Slepkow and Matt Dolman are always a welcome sight after another year of battling for web traffic. The key to our success is that our fellow members know they are not going it alone when faced with all these new algorithms and sea of changes in how to build and maintain a web property. I want to thank everyone for their efforts at making this happen.
Special Thanks
At the outset, we wanted to thank Matthew Dolman of Dolman Law Group in Clearwater, Florida, for setting us up with a Penthouse meeting room at the Aria Hotel, Las Vegas. Dolman also had refreshments and an abundance of spirits brought in for the attendees. He spared no expense to make this event special for everyone who showed. We all had the best possible quarters to rub elbows and break off into tutelage groups.
Next in line for special thanks is Bill Tilley over at Amicus Capital. They catered in sandwiches and other goodies. Bill also helped out with the video and audio, and he is really a good sport.
I also wanted to thank Dan Goldstein over at Page1Solutions. He also helped with bringing in great food for all the attendees. Additionally, Dan taught us about weening ourselves from online marketing, as it becomes less profitable for most firms. Of course, he also taught us about These sponsors went the extra mile for us to keep the event free. Now reach out to them and send them some traffic!
I would say this is probably the best event we have had so far. I personally think that 3 days is a long time, but I also understand that giving large breaks and later start times means that people can also enjoy Vegas a bit. We will have a follow-up HOA to see about ways of improving the event.
Special Thanks to all the Vendors and Others
Chris Dreyer
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the help of Chris Dreyer, and Trevor over at Accident Data Center. Learning about the Google learning machine from
Mr. Base
Johnny Base was a highlight for me. I for one really enjoyed the conversations on “linking out” and how advanced markup is so very important in the days of modern search. There were also some really great discussions by Seth Price on local search.
He really nailed a lot of the key issues facing attorneys about NAP data consistency, and other hyper-local necessities. We also inducted several new members, and we are already planning next year’s event.
Conrad Saam
Conrad Saam also attended remotely, and as usual, he had a wealth of knowledge to share with us about finding 404 errors and fixing lost links, etc. He is an expert in the use of tools like Majestic and Ahrefs. Conrad didn’t make it, but thanks to a partially working google HOA and a cell speakerphone, we achieved the mission.
Andrew Shaffer – Principal at Accident Data Center
Andrew Shaffer proved his genius as a coder and this is one guy you should have attended the event, just to meet. I enjoyed hearing his perspectives and where he thinks the future of search is headed.
Awards and Accolades
Joe Mas was awarded best speaker award. It was a close call, but Joe took it this year.
Joe nailed it with his great spoon-feeding abilities. His expertise in JSON coding, understanding semantic text, and how it ties into personal injury law firms was simply phenomenal. Congratulations, Joe, for the award! Moving on, we also had many outstanding presenters.
Circle of Legal Trust Convention 2016
It would appear that the organization is becoming more and more a personal injury attorney related organization. But I, for one, would like to get everyone in any legal profession involved. There are too many ways we can help each other. Reach out if you want to learn more. Contact me over at Ehline Law Firm here.