Circle of Legal Trust Las Vegas With Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, Etc.

It has been a while since our last Las Vegas Convention. Many of our attorneys have seen dramatic increases in the search engine results. And this is all a result of embracing the COLT quality guidelines. Of course, these mirror those of Bing and Google. At our last seminar/ HIRL (“Hangout in Real Life”), we had a full day of speakers and workshops.
One was with Steve Sweat and Andre van Wyk showing us all how to do our e-book and PDF magazines. After that, Dave Amerland, Eric Enge, and Mark Traphagen were detailing the overlaps of the semantic web. And they went into the best social media practices, etc.
It was a killer of a seminar, and we all learned a lot. This time, Eric Enge, Traphagen, is going to be on again. Eric is going to go into some more good stuff, as well as some new speakers. Check out the list of activities I have prepared so far.
Convention Times, Dates, Locations
Also, this remains a one-day convention starting at 10 am on April 25, 2014. It will go as long as it goes. We will take a lunch break at noon, and it will be a HIRL. (Hangout in Real Life), like the last one.
The location will be at the Richard Harris Law Offices located at 801 S 4th St Las Vegas, NV, click here for directions. Of course, locations can also change, but till now, we thank Richard for hooking us up. Make sure to check out his website, and maybe even add a good word or two about him on his reviews, and add him as a friend on GPlus.
Speakers of the Day and Times
1. Dan Goldstein 10:30 am.
2. I have Eric Enge down for 11 am Vegas time. Mostly, he will be speaking on a variety of relevant issues to building your brand. And he covers getting ranked. But he emphasizes using white hat SEO techniques. Consequently, I will add more here after I hear from him tomorrow.
3. Traphagen 12:30: (Can someone send this to Mark, as I seem not to have his email address?) So we all know him. And he will be speaking on some relevant topics. Hence, I intend upon getting the exact topics from him tomorrow for posting here.
4. Conrad Saam is down for 1:30 pm. Topic “10 Flagrantly Obvious Secrets of Online Marketing” – He will be there in person. And Castelli is going to talk to Dan Goldstein and get his topic and time
5. Andre van Wyk is on at 2:00.
6. I have the president of 24-7 Press Release. Mike Iwasaki, on at 2:30 to discuss Co-Citations and Co-Branding using press releases and the irrelevance of no follow versus do follow in many situations, as the semantic web becomes more intelligent.
7. What are Andre’s times and topics?
8. Does anyone know if Bincer wants to do a 30-minute HIRL with us? Anyone else who wants some exposure from the right side?
7. Does anyone (Tony) have the complete list of attendees who will physically attend and their hotels?
Hotels – Where Am I Staying?
Myself and Seth Price are staying at the Palazzo (Go here.) Not sure on Matt Dolman. Contact Seth to find out about discounts, etc. Ours even coincides with AVVO, so there may be people who can get breaks.
Physical Attendees so Far
Richard Harris, Matt Dolman, Michael Ehline, Alan Beck, Seth Price, Jeff Nadrich, Tony Castelli, Conrad Sams, YOUR NAME HERE.
When Am I Arriving?
I am coming in on the evening of the 23d. And I am leaving on the evening of the 26th. But attorney Seth Price will be there Wed-Saturday.
Extra Curricular Activities
Of special interest, I am planning on doing the full-auto machine gun range the day prior, on the 24th, with Alan Beck. Alan is a Title 42 Section 1983 Civil Rights attorney in San Diego. Also, he has won Second Amendment cases in the 9th Circuit. Noteworthy, Castelli is going with me. Also, Alan is a former U.S. Marine.
So he may do a mini-workshop on the human right of self-defense. And he likely will cover defense against government overreach. So is anyone interested in attending? Most of all, it will be a blast.