Circle of Legal Trust Helped our Firm Immeasurably
Like most lawyers in Metairie civil rights attorneys who were ranking well before 2012, we fell off in traffic, and our SEO people were not able to resolve the problem. Circle of Legal Trust took advantage of the Google Hangouts on Air Feature.
And we were able to brainstorm and mastermind with other attorneys and cutting edge marketing experts. Ultimately we got our organic ranking back. Plus, we received the benefit of ranking better than ever. And we got more warm marketing referrals internationally.
And unlike other so-called lawyer organizations, this is run by real lawyers for lawyers who want to help consumers. Although some use of the site and resources is free of charge, it is one of the hardest organizations which to gain entry.
I am glad we took the time to attend the Las Vegas Conventions. And I am very grateful to the team of experts at C.O.L.T. Thanks again! – Matt Dolman