Did Kim Kardashian Graduate from College?

With her breaking the news of pursuing legal education to her fans on social media platforms, many are wondering whether the celebrity actually graduated from college.
Since Kim Kardashian attended Marymount High School, based on her high school diploma, she was able to receive admission to Pierce College. But the celebrity never really completed her college studies and dropped out even though she did attend college. This may come as a shock to many since she recently expressed interest in getting a law degree or becoming a lawyer.
Is Kim Kardashian Attending Law School?
In the United States, it is possible to gain legal education through an unconventional route by studying under legal experts and passing the bar exam to get a license. So, a college degree is not actually a requirement to become a lawyer in the country; neither is law school.
Kim decided to enroll in a law school program and study under attorney Jessica Jackson and attorney Erin Haney. Since the celebrity took an unconventional path to become a lawyer, she had to give first-year examinations, also known as the “baby bar.” The day-long baby bar exam consists of four long essay questions and around 300 multiple-choice questions.
After failing in three attempts, recently in December, the celebrity posted on her Instagram account that she had finally passed the baby bar exam and was looking to give her final bar exam soon. Those who are wondering whether you can become a lawyer without a law degree should know that it is possible as long as you’re residing in a state that allows that. Make sure to check with your state’s legal education requirements before making a decision.
Did Kim Kardashian Graduate from Southern California’s Marshall School of Business?
With the instant rise in popularity of the Kardashian family, most of their history remains shrouded in mystery, with their fans wanting to know more about their favorite icons. Since Kim did not graduate from college and expressed interest in becoming a lawyer, she did not graduate or even attend Southern California’s Marshall School of Business.
Unlike her sister, Rob Kardashian was the one who completed his studies at the Marshall School of Business, while Kourtney for the first two years went to Southern Methodist University before graduating with a bachelor’s degree (theater arts) from the University of Arizona.
Reports of Her Cheating During High School Examination
Her fans have recently started questioning whether or not she will pass her bar exam to become a licensed attorney after Kim Kardashian revealed on the “Ellen Degeneres Show” that she cheated on high school examinations.
The celebrity casually discussed how she would write down answers under her skirt and then flip the skirt to read the answers during an exam. She said that she cheated multiple times during high school exams to score good grades. Although some students do cheat from time to time to pass their tests, this can be a concern for Kim since she is pursuing a legal education. Also, did she even mention this when giving an application to the bar to take the baby bar exam?
Passing the bar examination is not the only hurdle she needs to overcome. Kim Kardashian must also pass a moral character assessment, which determines whether the candidate has good character and moral high ground for admission to practice law. We’ll just have to wait and see if Kim Kardashian gets her license to start her legal practice or if her mother, Kris Jenner, like usual, might play a role in her daughter’s future.
If you’re looking for legal information and want to stay updated on the latest laws and legal precedents, visit Circle of Legal Trust, your go-to place for everything legal.