Circle of Legal Trust Vegas Convention Syllabus

We are proud to announce that the Vegas Convention will be held at 801 S 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101.special thanks to Richard Harris and Seth Price. Also, if you have questions or wish to attend, call me on my cell at 310-593-4871.
Ehline will fly on the evening of 12th, will be there all day and night 13th for the seminar. Leave for DC early in the morning of the 14th. So I need you to reserve your spot now, so we know how big of a room we will need.
Also, please read below and contact me immediately. Seth Price may be here earlier than that, I believe. If so, he can start networking with members and come up with something he wants to talk about that can help us get traffic, etc.
The Fight Night
As far as Matt Dolman, we are supposed to go to the fight on the evening of the 12th in Vegas, as I recall?
Right? And you guys are all invited assuming you can get tickets, which I believe Matt may have a connection. Seth and I will be getting rooms at Bellagio.
On the morning of the 13th: All of the meetings will be simulcast on Youtube. Bring Google Glass if you have it.
- First. 9 am – 10:00 am I will go into basics of site architecture using WordPress. Here we will discuss proper titles, headers, footers, page layout, and crawl-ability. We will show you how to delete title repeats in posts and pages, and so forth. Cleaning up your sites on the spot. (bring laptops Discussion) I will intro some basic techniques on brand building on the semantic web. Discuss brand mentions over links. Could it be the new link?10:15 – 10:45. We will detail basic LSI, and where to get ideas for LSI writing to incorporate into your style. (What is LSI and how to use it)
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The Cutting Edge
It also means we are known for using cutting edge technology to stay in touch with our clients and keeping them abreast of the latest concerns in their case. That’s whether it is still in the insurance claims process, or during litigation and trial. Additionally, we have been accepted into several honorary societies and have been admitted as one of the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers.” We are also accepted as “Million Dollar Advocates,” putting us in the top 1% of negligence law attorneys.
When you lose a wage earner due to a fatality or are simply down and out recovering for a spill on a motorcycle due to the negligence of an unreasonable individual, or a big corporation, attorney Matt Dolman is at the lead and supported by his large staff of paralegals, legal secretaries, and attorneys. We want to render legal aid to you before you make a mistake or say the wrong thing to an investigator or sneaky liability insurance adjuster.
We are grateful to our excellent organization of Clearwater-based personal injury lawyers for giving both our potential and current clients top-notch legal services. Our law firm has been committed to solely representing individuals who were afflicted with personal injuries, and wrongful death fatalities since __________.
Our proud and respected law firm has achieved impressive results in a motor vehicle accident, truck crash, medical malpractice and other incidents where negligent acts of another made a happy go lucky individual into a part, or permanently disabled victim. If you are hurt in a truck accident in Wilmington, you need to hire attorneys.
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- Discussion with Jason Brick on the above example, and Proper LSI Writing techniques – 11 am – 12 pm
Break. 12:00-1:00
Eric Enge- Negative SEO and Identification and Healing: 1 pm – 1:30 pm
- Dealing with bad links and bad copy (Penguin and Panda). Open Discussion. 1:30 – 2:15. Also, Eric has earned the respect of Mike Blumenthal and Matt Cutts. And he is a winner who graciously set aside time for us despite a previous engagement.
Amerland and Traphagen Together – 2:15-3:00 and 15 minutes for discussion.
- David Amerland goes deep into semantic web and his award winning book. And Mark Traphagen puts it together explaining “authorship” and its relationship to the semantic web
- Allow 15 minutes or so for questions for youtube and live audience till at least 3:15.
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm PDF Publications and Treatises: Steven Sweat and Andre van Wyk via HOA
- How to create your own digital PDF magazine or e-book with ease, and they unveil the first edition of the COLT Journal. Steve will have his laptop and software and can screen-share with us. (awesome)
4:00 – 4:30 Anthony Castelli on Creating Awesome Law Firm Videos Using Hangouts and Youtube – Interviews, banter sessions, q, and a, backdrops.
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Building Alliances: Building alliances and how it fits into co-branding.
Open discussion and break.
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Hangouts On Air Via HOA, Ronnie Bincer on How to do a Hangout on Air, and how to do a private hangout.
6:00 – 6:15 – Press Releases 24-7 Mike may or may not make this. But 24-7 Press Release is to discuss brand mentions with press releases and forgetting about do follow juice from self-promotions, as we move forward.
6:15 – 6:30 – Content Curation and Various Social Signals Neil Ferree via HOA? Or in person?
Secondary Effects of Social Media – Referral Fees. Of special interest, Membership in the Circle of Legal Trust is the Gold Standard. You know you won’t get taken by a brother. And people who link together, stay together.
Anything else you need? We still need to pin downtimes.